17 Mug Shots Sexier Than Hot Convict Jeremy Meeks'

LAAAAAAAAADIES, this face is your new fantasy. This is the ward of the state that gets you all hot and bothered. This is the convicted felon whose biggest crime is being just too damn hot. This is inmate number 696969. This is your #FelonCrushFriday.

LAAAAAAAAADIES, this face is your new fantasy. This is the ward of the state that gets you all hot and bothered. This is the convicted felon whose biggest crime is being just too damn hot. This is inmate number 696969. This is your #FelonCrushFriday.

Because apparently #FCF is something we're doing now? We're going to ignore the fact that these guys are charged with being NOT LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS (and hashtag or not, not all are charged with felonies) and try to pencil ourselves in for the next conjugal video? Seriously? No judgment, we guess. Just making sure we're all on the same page...In that case, here are 17 mug shots (courtesy of your new favorite website, Hot & Busted) that are at least equally hot, if not hotter, than Jeremy Meeks.

1. Because it seems like you're into tattoos...

