Who Is Roman Hrybov? Ukrainian Border Guard Who Bravely Told Russian Warships Go F Yourself

For some Ukrainians, Roman Hrybovs popular proclamation Go F Yourself has turned into an image of obstruction. At the point when a Russian warship attempted to strike his regiment, he expressed this line to them as a reaction.

For some Ukrainians, Roman Hrybov’s popular proclamation “Go F Yourself” has turned into an image of obstruction. At the point when a Russian warship attempted to strike his regiment, he expressed this line to them as a reaction.

Roman Hrybov broadly said the expression on Snake Island. After the Russian vessel impacted the island broadly, he and his men were assumed dead.

Individuals from one side of the planet to the other have extolled Roman and his team for their tough demonstration.

Who Is Roman Hrybov? Wikipedia Biography Explored There is a notice of Roman Hrybov on Wikipedia under the heading “Russian warship, go f yourself,” however not a full element of his account on their site.

Roman Hrybov was important for a little group of watchmen positioned on Snake Island in the Black Sea, not a long way from the bank of Romania.

He and his confidants were shielding the domain in the early hours of the Russian intrusion when the Russian warship “the Vasily Byko” went after the island.

The other individual on the telephone (a Russian) had said, “I recommend you set out your weapons and give up to stay away from gore and unnecessary setbacks.” Otherwise, you will be bombarded. ”

In spite of having no method for get out, Hrybov strikingly got the amplifier and answered by telling the other individual on the telephone to “Go F Yourself.”

Roman Hrybov Got A Ukrainian Medal For “To Go F Yourself” On the primary day of Russia’s intrusion, Roman Hrybov and 12 different gatekeepers were accepted to have been dead, yet they supernaturally made due. The Russians abducted them and held them as hostages.

On March 25, 2022, Hrybov and his confidants were set free from jail in return for a very long time of a Russian boat caught by Ukraine after their boat was sunk.

Hrybov was granted a decoration for his courage in his town.

Roman has gotten back to Cherkasy, where he was regarded with a city grant by the district’s chief for his grit notwithstanding a Russian attack.

Roman Hrybov, the author of the famous “Russian Warship, Go F*** Yourself” phrase, returned from Russian captivity to his native Cherkasy region. Glory to the Hero! #GlorytoUkraine pic.twitter.com/uruPgkBLGv

— Defence of Ukraine (@DefenceU) March 29, 2022

For some individuals all over the planet, his affirmation of obstruction on the primary day of Russia’s intrusion of his nation is one of the most perceived snapshots of the continuous struggle.

Roman Hrybov Age: How Old Is He? Roman Hrybov has all the earmarks of being in his thirties. The soldier looks youthful in photos and is presumably in the age scope of 30 to 35.

His birthday data is accessible. Subsequently, Roman’s definite age is obscure.

Subtleties Of Roman Hrybov Family At this point, the popular Ukrainian soldier has not given any data about his loved ones. Since Cherkasy is his old neighborhood, his folks might be residing in a similar spot.

It is obscure whether Hrybov has a spouse. Is Roman Hrybov On Facebook? Roman Hrybov doesn’t have a Facebook account, however the narrative of his protection from the Russian warship is moving on this stage.

Many individuals and big new media organizations have complimented him for his grit and administration.

