10 Great Wrestling Names Wasted On Bad Wrestlers

It's no coincidence that some of the greatest wrestlers of all time also have some of the best names of all time from Sting to The Rock, a great name is a huge part of a successful wrestling persona. Having a bad wrestling name, on the other hand, isn't a death sentence either. Jack Swagger

It's no coincidence that some of the greatest wrestlers of all time also have some of the best names of all time from Sting to The Rock, a great name is a huge part of a successful wrestling persona. Having a bad wrestling name, on the other hand, isn't a death sentence either. Jack Swagger sounds like a bad rapper and Dolph Ziggler sounds like a candy bar, but both have become world champions despite their subpar in-ring names.

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Having a great wrestling name helps, but it won't guarantee a great career. Many wrestlers with interesting or fun names were so awful in the ring they landed on this list of bad wrestlers with great wrestling names.

12 Glacier

A glacier is both cold and massive, meaning the name "Glacier" sets a precedent for a great in-ring superstar that is big and cold like The Undertaker. In 1996, when WCW was preparing fans for the arrival of a superstar named "Glacier", the expectations were high.

Unfortunately, instead of using the intrigue of an actual glacier, WCW opted to use a rip-off of the popular Mortal Kombat character Sub-Zero and award the name to a 6'2" wrestler who was more sub-par than Sub-Zero. He never held any belt or did anything memorable in WCW.

10 Zeus

In Greek mythology, Zeus is the father of all gods and humans. A name like "Zeus" seems like a superstar who is so good in the ring he calls himself a god. The wrestler Zeus, aka Deebo from Friday, was not a god in the ring. He was a walking commercial for a movie starring Hulk Hogan, No Holds Barred. Thank God that Zeus only wrestled for a few years before becoming an actor with a great career full of over 200 hundred credits.

9 The Shockmaster

The Shockmaster had one of the worst debuts in the history of wrestling. It's honestly a shame because the name "Shockmaster" is great. He could have been a person who keeps audiences on his toes, someone who may shock them at any moment or a star who is electric in the ring, which are all aspects that the Shockmaster could've demonstrated. Instead, Fred Ottoman left way too much to be desired in the ring. His horrible debut matches demonstrate how bad he was in the ring.

8 Sin Cara

The name "Sin Cara" or "faceless" in Spanish is a great wrestling name. There is so much mystery to it and it lends itself to a superhero like a wrestler who's so good in the ring he never needs to show his face. The actual "Sin Cara" on the other hand is one of the biggest letdowns in the history of the WWE.

The original introduction of "Sin Cara" was supposed to be Rey Mysterio's sequel but instead ended up being a luchador past his prime who struggled in the ring. In the end, Sin Cara was hiding his face to hide his identity from the disappointed audience.

7 The Boogeyman

Everyone has been afraid of the boogeyman at some point in their life. The name "Boogeyman" could resonate with any audience telling them everything they need to know about him: he's evil, he's a heel, and he's his opponent's worst nightmare. Unfortunately, WWE's The Boogeyman was bad in all the worst ways. In the few "real matches" The Boogeyman was in, there was never anything about him that screamed "superstar" or "champion." It was a bad gimmick for a good name that is often remembered as a bad wrestler.

6 Repo Man

Everyone is afraid of the repo man. The name "Repo Man" belongs to a wrestler who everyone fears that at any moment will repossess your career in one match. The Repo Man in WWE was played by Barry Darsow, who was very limited in the ring and horribly acted the persona. Although Darsow had a more memorable career under his real name in WCW, he's far from a hall of famer and the name "Repo Man" will always be remembered as more of a real-life Hamburglar than a superstar.

5 Malice

"Malice" is a great wrestling name. It's like "Edge" or "Sting," one word can open so many doors for the character. Malice could've been a great heel who causes chaos or a babyface who brings malice to the bad guys. Either way, the name could've been memorable for any gender and a champion named "Malice" fits as well as a champion named "Vader."

Jerry Tuite as Malice failed to deliver any malice in TNA. Tuite was a big guy who had a limited move set and left a great name with few memorable in-ring moments or matches. We'll sadly never know what Tuite's full potential could've been since he tragically passed away at the tender age of 36.

4 The Barbarian

The term Barbaric has a negative connotation for a good reason, barbarians are mostly noted for being ruthless and fighting to survive predators. "Barbarian" as a wrestling name presents someone fearless and even barbaric in their pursuits of in-ring glory. The WWE's "Barbarian" only had one major match and it is nothing special. Sione Vailahi tried many gimmicks to cover up his in-ring weakness but never held any major titles in any of the major companies and the name "Barbarian" only lasted for a few years, never getting over in any major way.

3 Zodiac

The Zodiac killer changed pop culture. Even in 2022, you can see the influence in huge blockbusters like Matt Reeve's The Batman. "Zodiac" is a perfect name for a character who could be a genius technician that sees a move before it comes or just a monster like the infamous killer. When Brutus Beefcake portrayed "Zodiac" he was neither. He was a randomly face-painted wrestler who was not good in the ring.

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Yes, Beefcake is a WWE Hall of Famer, but he's in because he's an icon and not because he was a great wrestler. His time as the Zodiac is proof of that as the great name lasted less than a year and even though he feuded with the likes of Hulk Hogan, Zodiac is a very forgotten persona.

1 Nailz

Nailz is a name on par with "Mankind" or "Abyss." There is a grittiness to Nailz that makes it interesting. There could be so many interesting backstories to Nailz that could've made it pop in the sea of in-ring names. The WWE's version of "Nailz" wasn't anything gritty, it was an ex-con. The trite gimmick is made worse by the fact that Kevin Wacholz, who portrayed the character, was a bad actor and a very below-average wrestler. Nailz has wrestled everyone from Undertaker to Bret Hart and still few fans know who he is because his matches never lived up to his very cool name.

